Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quick Update

Writing has begun on book 3, the final chapter in the Saga of the East. To celebrate, I have started to make some changes for the upcoming work I need to do.

First, the name of the page, Empires Awakening is now "Saga of Theron" to better reflect the entirety of the books that will be created in this world of mine.

Second, I have started a Patreon page to begin gathering funding to start Merchandising. This page is home to my sketches and some of the ideas for things I want to create to go along with my books. Patreon will make that happen. You can find it here -> https://www.patreon.com/MatthewCerra?ty=h

Third and lastly, I am getting a new edition ready of my first book, Empires Awakening, that will be released as soon as it is ready. Look to this page for updates on all of this soon.

PS: Editing of book two is in progress, and I am in the final stages of selecting a title that properly conveys the events in the story. As soon as I have it, I will let everyone know!

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