Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am still not totally relaxed after the movie attempt. Just this morning I was walking to work, and a cyclist caught me unawares.

Now you are wondering as to why this was an issue, I mean how could a man on a bicycle scare me so well? I wasn't paying attention and they rode up behind me. Then, as I was lost in my thoughts and he simply asked me to move.

I nearly jumped into traffic in the street. As I caught myself and regained my composure I let the man pass.

I was embarrassed but at least I didn't have to tell him why I looked terrified.

1 comment:

  1. I have been exchanging FB comments with a group of people who believe we are in what they call a "precession," leading to some sort of apocalyptic event(s). At first I declined to be drawn in to this discussion, but I found many of their comments disturbing. Like the guy who unexpectedly rode up behind you on the bike, they startle and upset me. Some of them are not unlike those they consider enemies, i.e., ultra conservatives and huge business moguls like Dick Cheney. By name-calling and demonizing such people, they seem to believe they are being righteous in support of their cause. After I called them on it, I have become a person to pity, too blind to see the reality of the destruction we have brought upon ourselve. What I truly believe is that our thoughts create our reality: if we focus on the negative, that is likely to be the result. But if we affirm positive outcomes, those will probably occur. So don't focus on the fear, whatever it may be. Visualize the beauty and wonder of the life that awaits you. And remember, sometimes we are just too smart for our own good!
