This is the blog for Matthew Cerra, the mind behind the Saga of the East and its inaugural title - "Empires Awakening". I will do my best to update regularly and to keep you posted on both my latest Zombie fears and where things are at with my book publishing process. Hang along for the ride and maybe you can get some laughs out of my Kinetomortophobia and perhaps order a book of mine to enjoy for yourself.
At the constant request of my better half I attempted to watch the film Zombieland. I am proud to report I made it a grand total of 15 minutes before I was unable to watch it any further.
Hey, you're a better man than I! I don't want to watch any of it, or any other creepy movies, or read the literature! I choose to affirm the positive, that (most) human beings are basically good and doing the best they can. While I admit that is a stretch at times, it is far too easy to allow the negative, frightening aspects of life to rule us.
Hey, you're a better man than I! I don't want to watch any of it, or any other creepy movies, or read the literature! I choose to affirm the positive, that (most) human beings are basically good and doing the best they can. While I admit that is a stretch at times, it is far too easy to allow the negative, frightening aspects of life to rule us.