I am alone for a few weeks. Needless to say my mind is running rampant with paranoid thoughts and ideas. Right now - its the troubling times I catch things in the corner of my eye. Showering and seeing a shape in that robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door through a foggy glass door.
Yes I scare myself more than anyone else could.
Yes I scare myself more than anyone else could.
Tried to post on yesterday's, but it disppeared into cyberspace. Since John died, I've been "living alone," with the exception of my faithful canine companion, Buddy Love. During the 17 years John and I spent together, he was never gone for more than a few days at a time. That was when I had difficulty sleeping, hearing noises and seeing shadows. Initially after he died, I had to leave a light on. One night I woke up and the light I swore I left on was off, only to be on again in the morning. Strange things with lights happened several times, yet I wasn't afraid. I felt that John was letting me know everything was OK, perhaps even watching over me. Now I can sleep without a light on, even if Buddy is in the other room. It's not that I don't ever get spooked; I simply choose to affirm that all is well. I say a silent prayer, meditate, and go to sleep. Don't know what it would be like without Buddy, though, and hope not to find out any time soon. He usually awakens me early for his breakfast and walk. He's getting hard of hearing, but I still talk to him all the time. And I spend enough time "out there" with other people that I am not wanting for human companionshp. But you are certainly correct - the nights can be difficult.