Monday, May 16, 2011

Ants: Natures Zombie Hunters

A wonderful bit of news from the world of nature, as a follow up to yesterday's post. If you actually took the time to watch the video I linked to, you would know that the ant colonies in question were very aware of the zombie problem. In fact, they assign attack squads to find the infected and remove them from the colony.

How much more awesome can ants get? I already liked their collective mentality - their organization structure for their success. Now, I know that if zombies do come, I can find giant ants to use as assistants in eradicating the zombie threat. Also, since they know they will do it for the hive - I don't have to bribe them, they will be supportive of the survival of all.

With the industrial capacity of their own insane capacity, ants have found a new reason to be high on my list of creatures of the animal kingdom.

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